This is currently the only up to date page of our website written in English. We tried to sum up all of the most important information for non-Russian-speaking entrants here using the Q&A format. An older version of the English section of our website can be found here, but most information there is not up to date.
If you have any questions concerning the information presented here feel free to contact us by e-mail; we can read and answer letters in English, French, and Italian (as well as in Russian, of course).
General information on foreign entrants' admission can be found on the MSU website. A special page of the MSU website for foreign citizens is available here. Information on foreign entrants' admission to our department in Russian can be found here.
Q: Can I study at the Department of Mechanics and Mathematics of Lomonosov Moscow State University if I do not speak Russian?
A: Yes, you can, but the only option available at the moment is the Master's degree program "Geometry and Quantum Fields" (although other programs in English are in preparation and will be launched in the oncoming years). You can visit the program webpage in English for more information on the program itself, admission, study plan, scholarships, etc.
Q: Are there any options to study Russian prior to becoming a student of your department?
A: Yes, there are. The Institute of Russian Language and Culture of MSU provides a variety of educational programs and activities for those willing to study Russian as a foreign language and to prepare for entrance exams to the university. Follow the link for more information.
Q: What programs in Russian are available at your department?
A: Our department has a 6-year specialist (= bachelor + master) program "Fundamental mathematics and mechanics", which provides fundamental mathematical education together with an oportunity to study applications of mathematical methods in mechanics, physics, computer science, economics, etc. You can choose one of the three subprograms: "Mathematics", "Mechanics", "Fundamental mathematics and mathematical physics". Starting from the 3rd year each student chooses one of the department's 28 chairs for their specialization and a scientific supervisor who then directs the student's first scientific research, often leading to original scientific results and publications. See here for more information on the specialist program (in Russian).
Our department also has a number of 2-year Master's degree programs, such as "Calculus", "Navigation and Control in space and on Earth", "Intellectual systems", "Computer algebra", "Computer geometry", "Mathematical and computer methods of calculus", "Digital technologies and artificial intelligence". These programs mostly aim at students with a non-mathematical background in their bachelor studies willing to obtain a deeper understanding of mathematics as well as some skills necessary to apply mathematics in other fields. See here for more information on the Master's degree program (in Russian).
Q: What are the entrance exams at your department?
A: For the specialist program you have to pass interviews in Russian and mathematics. The interview in Russian is usually organized as follows: you are given a short description of a certain life situation (e. g., you and your friends are planning to go on a picnic together), and after some time for preparation you are required to discuss the situation with the interviewer in Russian. The interview in mathematics includes two theoretical questions in elementary mathematics (usually one in algebra and the other in geometry) and a couple of relatively simple math problems (e. g. solve the equation 6x3 + 11x2 − 3x − 2 = 0, or find the minimal value of the function y = 2|x + 2| + |x + 1| + |5x − 1|, etc.).
For the Master's degree programs you have to pass an exam in mathematics. For programs in Russian it is a written exam (examples of exam papers from recent years in Russian and the exam programs are available here). For the program "Geometry and Quantum Fields" the exam consists of a written part and of an interview, and the exam program is also sligtly different.
In 2020 – 2024 all entrance exams for foreign students are held online on MSU's platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams. The exams are held at the end of June and the end of July. Exam schedule for 2023 will be available here at the start of June.
Q: What are the tuition fees? Are there any scholarships?
A: For international students applying in 2023 the specialist program fee is 429 390 rubles a year, and the master's degree program fee is 471 700 rubles a year. The sum remains the same during all the period of your study. Payment is made before the start of every semester (the fee per semester equals one half of the fee per year).
Scholarships for international students are only available for the master's program "Geometry and Quantum Fields" (see here for more details).
Q: How and when do I apply?
A: The application period for international students is June 15 – July 10 (specialist program) or June 15 – July 20 (master's program). For the master's program "Geometry and Quantum Fields" there are also other application periods (see here for more details). The most convenient way to apply is online via the MSU entrant's webform (currently only available in Russian). If you encounter any difficulties during your application process, feel free to contact us by e-mail in Russian, English, French, or Italian.
Q: Are dormitories provided for international students?
A: Accommodation in MSU dormitories is provided for all international students on a contractual basis if there are vacant places (which is, unfortunately, not always the case). International students of our department are usually provided with a place in a two- or three-bed room in the ФДС (FDS = Filial Doma Studentov = Affiliate of the Student Residence Hall) dormitory, which is located about 20 minutes walking from the main building of the university. The dormitory fees are from 6900 to 7410 rubles a month depending on the living conditions. See here for some information on the dormitory (in English) and the price list (in Russian).
Q: What are the visa requirements etc.?
A: See here for details. Questions concerning invitations, visas, accommodation etc. should be addressed to our international department by e-mail
Q: What else should I know?
A: The more we know, the more there is to be known. If you have any questions concerning the information presented here or concerning some information missing here feel free to contact us by e-mail; we can read and answer letters in English, French, and Italian (as well as in Russian, of course). We might add more information here according to the questions from your letters.