Mathematics and Mechanics Faculty was created 1 May 1933 with a recovery of the faculty system in  Lomonosov MSU.

The acting dean of Mathematics and Mechanics Faculty is a Chubarikov Vladimir Nikolaevich since 2006.

Nowadays the Faculty unites 25 departments (16 from the Mathematics branch and 9 from the Mechanics branch) and 15 research laboratories: probability theory, mathematical and economic modeling, large random systems, mathematical statistics, logical Informatics Problems, computational methods, computer modeling, computer methods in natural sciences and humanities, wave processes, application of mathematical analysis, Theoretical Cybernetics, Mathematical software simulation of dynamical systems, control and navigation systems, deformable media, mechanics and diagnostics of biological components, geometrical methods in mathematical physics.

There are 350 professors, docents, assistance and research associates in the faculty. There are 2000 students and 450 graduate students. The graduates get a specialist degree. The duration of the studying is 6 years. The division by branches begins the 3rd year. The faculty prepares high level experts of wide areas of Mathematics, Mechanics and Applying Mathematics, possessing theoretical knowledge and a technique of scientific experiment.

 The faculty is one of the leading World scientific centers since 1930.