Students have a right to live in the House of Students. An average price is 7 000 - 10 000 RUR per month. It depends on the conditions you prefer. There are two types of room single and double in this campus. The territory is divided by units - there are two rooms in every unit. Also we have restrooms with pianos and fitness equipment.
There are two kitchens in every floor with two gas-cookers. In some floors even balconies exist.
Also there is one special type of rooms - rooms in the towers. It is famouse towers of the Main Building of MSU that have clock faces on them faceds. But there are not only giant beautiful watches - some of them are barometer and thermometer.
The House of Students located in the Main Building of Lomonosov MSU. The Main Building (ГЗ) have 6 dining rooms with tasty and cheap food. Also there is a lot of mini-markets with food, clothes, household appliences in this building. There are everything you need. We have legends that you can live here the whole year, not leaving the Main Building even once! Some say that they succeed it.
All issues dealed with a campus find their solutions at 801a room (8 floor) of the Main Building of MSU.